Die heutige Tätigkeit der Trüffelzüchtung der Familie Karlić aus Paladin, in der Nähe von Buzet, hatte Herr Ivan Rašpolić im Jahre 1966 des letzten Jahrhunderts aufgenommen. Damals war der Wald von Motovun im Vergleich zu heute sehr viel größer. Die auf diesem Gebiet aufgespürten weißen und schwarzen Trüffel zählten zu den qualitativsten Trüffeln Istriens. Auch wenn einer der ertragreichsten Fundorte sich auf dem heutigen Grund des Sees Butoniga befand!
Mit der Ausbildung beginnt man, wenn der Welpe etwa 3 Monate alt ist und sie sollte con der Person durchgeführt werden, die mit ihm die meiste Zeit verbringt und später zu seinem Leiter bei der Trüffelsuche wird. Die Ausbildung ist hart, aufgeteilt in mehreren Phasen und so erarbeitet, dass der Welpe sie als Spiel und Spaß versteht.
VIŠEDie Trüffel ist eine unterirdische Pilzknolle mit einem spezifischen Geschmack, was als Spitzengastronomie angesehen wird. Sie wächst im Herzen Istriens, in der feuchten und grauen Erde in den Wäldern unweit der Stadt von Buzet, in denen der Fluss Mirna durchfließt. Der versteckte Schatz wird mittels speziell dafür dressierten Hunde aufgespürt.
500g (1 Pak.) Blätterteig
500g frischer Kuhkäse
90g Trüffel – Salsa -Sauce...
500g trockene Maultaschen “Fuži”
100g Butter
50g Butter mit Trüffeln
200ml Küchensahne...
Rules of the Giveaway ‘WONDERS OF ISTRIA’ The rules of ‘WONDERS OF ISTRIA’ Giveaway organized by Karlić Tartufi – GIR d.o.o. and Partners (hereinafter “Giveaway”): 1. GIVEAWAY ORGANISER The Giveaway is being organized by Karlić Tartufi – GIR d.o.o., Paladini 14, 52420 Buzet, Croatia, OIB: (PIN): 24638078222 (hereinafter: the Organiser) and Partners as following: OPG […]
04.06.2020White Truffle Gin // First Gin in the world with macerated white truffle brought to you by two Buzet companies – Aura Distillery and Karlić Truffles // limited edition of 222 numbered bottles. Enjoy!
30.08.2019We are so happy to announce the story of our family business was published in the journal of Qatar Airways-Oryx ??? . This means travelers all around the world will find out about truffles in Istria and our passion for them.? . . Relaunched in January 2017, Oryx is the new-look, high-end inflight magazine for […]
22.05.2019Berlin’s newspapers Der Tagesspiegel published a nice reportage about our work. Find more at the followingLINK
22.05.2019Our truffle won an award for the best truffle at the truffle festival! We are always having an amazing time here at Truffle festival in Buzet. If you are nearby, come and visit us next year!
14.01.2019We were attending the Gastronomie / Fine Food Professional – Amsterdam where we presented fresh truffles and truffle products from Istria for the first time in Amsterdam with our friends @chiavalon_extravirginoliveoil and @vinafrankovic
14.01.2019Robert Maklowicz is a Polish journalist, historian and cook. Since 1998 Makłowicz has been preparing a weekly show named Robert Makłowicz’s Culinary Travels. Each show is prepared in a different region of the world and presents the local cuisine as prepared by Makłowicz himself or by local people, not necessarily professional chefs. Each show has […]
19.06.2018Karlić truffles were one of the presenters on Austrian tourism fair „Ferienmesse“ that was held in Vienna from 11th until 14th of January. At the fair, we were represented by Mario Harapin-the owner of gastro shop Delikroat which is located in the center of Vienna. Mario was satisfied with the audience response that recognized and […]
06.03.2018Yet another season of white truffles is behind us. White truffle season was opened on September 15th when truffle hunters found large amounts of so-called „Fioron“ truffle ( white truffle that is of lower quality in the beginning ) which was a great indication of how successful the rest of the season will be. However, […]
01.02.2018We were a part of this years Festival of istrian truffles i Buzet. We’ve put a lot of effort to present our business at its best so this year our presentation space was declared as the most creative and most beautiful. See more in the gallery.
18.11.2017We’ve got a TripAdvisor’s certificate of excellence for 2017! ?? It’s a second year in the row that Karlić tartufi are „Top thing to do“ in Buzet and the 5th most popular thing to do in Istria regarding TripAdvisor. We are very proud of our entire team who is responsible for a lot of positive […]
19.09.2017More than 2 decades of hard work , sacrifice and above all great love for our work brought in our hands the golden emblem of city of Buzet. It is a reward for extraordinary contribution in economic and social development and for boosting the turism in Buzet. We want to thank to all the people […]
18.09.2017The full nomad, Steffani Cameron visited us in April 2017. Steffani is traveling the world and exploring new cultures and cuisines and she lives like a „nomad“. She left her job and sold everything she owned so she can start her life adventure. We were a little part of that adventure and we are so […]
30.08.2017Epicurean Market is a three day long world food, wine and spirits festival held in Marina bay hotel in Singapore. This year Karlić tartufi presented their business through a Masterclass „Fresh Summer Truffles : An Introduction and Hands-On Cooking Demo“. Participants did not just have an opportunity have to prepare truffles in the best way […]
18.08.2017German TV presenter Nadine Krüger and Nordisch Filmproduction made a video for website premiumcamping.de and they have been on truffle hunting by Karlić family here comes the link of the video: http://www.premiumcamping.de/premium-urlaubsziele/premium-camping-in-kroatien#post_1925
12.04.2017One-Day Tour of Istria, Croatia: The Highlights
29.03.2017INSIDER TRAVEL visited us last season. Take a look at the video which was seen by more than 500 000 people around the world!
28.03.2017Posebno izdanje festivala Taste the Mediterraneann, u okviru HTI konferencije, obuhvatilo je teme povezane s važnošću mediteranske prehrane i načina života u razvoju zdravstvenog turizma. Tijekom dva dana festivala održao se velik broj zanimljivih, edukativnih i dinamičnih panela i interaktivnih radionica, a sudionici su bili vrhunski svjetski chefovi okrunjeni Michelinovim zvjezdicama, eminentni govornici, međunarodni znanstvenici, umjetnici, novinari, proizvođači […]
26.03.2017After few months our idea of making a „Truffle wall“ was accomplished! The idea was to give a bit of life and colours to an ordinary grey wall. We realized the idea and now we have a beautifull colorfull wall with motifs of truffle, wine, istrian cattle and our history. Thank you Slaven Lunar Kosanović […]
23.03.2017Prvog dana manifestacije pet vrhunski kuhara okupljenih na jednom mjestu kreiralo je gastronomske delicije koje su sljubljene s vinima odabranih hrvatskih vinara na VIP večeri Taste the Mediterranean Michelin chefs gdje su neki od kuhara koristili Karlić tartufe za svoje kreacije koje je imala prilku i isprobati glumica Eva Larue.
10.03.2017Domagoj Sever, RTL journalist, visited us in the beginning of Autumn. He tasted Karlić products and experienced truffle hunting! More about his adventure in Istria you can find on the link below! LINK:Potraga za gurmanskim čudom u Karlićima
05.12.2016From 5th to 6th of November in Buzet was held 15th Weekend truffle festival. As every year at the festival were presented different producers of local products like wine, oil, liquor and meat but the main role (as the name of the festival says) had the truffle. Beside a lot of truffle products and a […]
21.11.2016„Karlić tartufi“ are on the list of places everyone should visit in Croatia. Journalist of prestige Los Angels Tims, Margo Pfeiff, visited us this summer, experinced our truffle hunting tour, tasted our products and placed us in his reportage „In old-world Croatia, here are four trendy towns worth visiting„
04.10.2016Among the 10 must-see sites in Croatia there are Karlić truffles . Travellab.nl recommended us in the report about Croatia . Experience of truffle hunting is memorable for all and so it was for the Dutch team that visited us last summer . See more on the link , and how they have experienced Croatia in […]
13.03.2016Reportaža o Karlić tartufima u švedskom FIRST CLASS MAGAZINU, urednika THOMASSEN MATS OVE koji je boravio u Istri tijekom listopada 2015. Pogledajte više na: http://www.firstclassmagazine.se/en-rundresa-i-kroatien/
05.03.2016On 25.02.2016., in organization of Green company, in Zadar were presented Ambassadors of Croatian quality. We had the Honor to be part of that great event where we presented our new product Truffella. See more: http://m.ezadar.hr/article/?article-id=8003
29.02.2016Great article about us and our products on „Proper Croatia“ site. Elisabeth Beagle visited us and wrote in her blog about her unforgetable experience of truffle hunting. Thank you Elisabeth! Check the full article at: http://www.propercroatia.com/20000-truffles-below-the-ground/
13.11.2015Karl von Habsburg, grandson of the last Austrian emperor, Charles I. visited us today. We were honored to host him and we appreciate his interest in our products.
09.11.2015U sklopu Festivala istarskih tartufa u Buzetu, Karlić Tartufi su uz pomoć chefa Davida Bernobića organizirali humanitarnu degustaiju novog deserta „Slatki tartuf“ čiji je glavni sastojak novo promoviran čokoladni namaz sa tartufima-Truffella. Porcije novog deserta razgrabljene su u rekordnom vremenu pri čemu je prikupljeno 1070 kn te 40 €, a sav je prilog namjenjen potrebitoj […]
09.11.2015Još jedan novi proizvod iz Karlić radionice, spoj teranovog likera i tartufa. Bogatog okusa i nevjerojatne arome…..Teranino Truffel. Again something new from the Karlić workshop, a blend of teran liqour and truffle. Rich in taste and full of flavour….Teranino Truffel. ŽIVJELI!
06.11.2015Danas nas je posjetio igrač KHL MEDVEŠČAKA Mike Glumac sa obitelji. Bili su oduševljeni sa tartufima i lovom na tartufe 🙂
05.11.2015Nešto novo iz radionice tvrtke „Karlić tartufi“ – prva na svijetu i jedinstvena TRUFFELLA. Krem čokolada s tartufom, u dva ekskluzivna okusa blanc i noir, pružit će vam nevjerojatno bogat i pun okus čokolade i tartufa. Nakon puno miješanja, degustiranja i kombiniranja u suradnji s našim prijateljima i suradnicima došli smo do nečeg stvarno jedinstvenog, […]
04.11.2015For Radmila Karlić, a day’s work means leading her dogs into the dense Motovun forest of Istria, Croatia, to hunt for truffles. She carries a small shovel, ready to dig up the edible treasures the dogs sniff at the roots of the towering oak trees. “Dogs can smell truffles when they’re 65 feet deep,” she […]
09.06.2015Like Oprah (I wish I could start every sentence this way), I have a major love affair with the truffle and have always wanted to have a try at hunting this coveted culinary delicacy, and like Oprah (YES!), I recently got to check this off my bucket list on a road trip across the heart […]
09.06.2015„In the village of Paladini, near Buzet, the Karlic family run three-hour truffle tours, which begin with an introduction to the history of truffles.
You then go out to hunt for truffles, with specially trained dogs, in the oak woods surrounding the family’s home.“
- The Telegraph / Travel, By Jane Foster, 23 Dec 2014„ I’ve been consuming truffles every chance I get since I moved to Italy six years ago, so naturally I’ve been curious about truffle hunting. I couldn’t wait to join the Karlic family, who have been truffle hunting in the Motovun forest for over 40 years with three generations, for a truffle hunt. I learned so much! „
- By Jennifer Dombrowski — 15.02.2015„With its medieval towns and bountiful rolling hills, Istria has been hailed as the next Tuscany. Foodies come for the truffles—some of the world’s finest—and can go hunting in the Motovun forest with a guide from Karlić, a family-run company whose dogs are trained to sniff out truffles hidden underground.“
- Food and Drink, Trip Ideas, By Celia Shatzman January 6, 2015„Our hosts introduced us to the two different types of truffles that can be found in the area: the black and white truffles. I was thrilled just to be in the presence of truffles but I almost lost my marbles when I learned that we were going to get to try them. I greedily ate everything I could get my hands on and still wanted more.“
- Captain & Clark, January 7th, 2015