INSIDER TRAVEL o Karlić tartufima | Karlić tartufi - Gir d.o.o.

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Rules of the Giveaway ‘WONDERS OF ISTRIA’   The rules of ‘WONDERS OF ISTRIA’ Giveaway organized by Karlić Tartufi – GIR d.o.o. and Partners (hereinafter “Giveaway”): 1. GIVEAWAY ORGANISER The Giveaway is being organized by Karlić Tartufi – GIR d.o.o., Paladini 14, 52420 Buzet, Croatia, OIB: (PIN): 24638078222 (hereinafter: the Organiser) and Partners as following: OPG […]


Truffle Gin – prvi gin na svijetu sa maceriranim bijelim tartufima

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Karlic Tartufi in Oryx magazin

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